Doncaster Singles - Dating in United Kingdom - Polskie single w Polsce

mrblue852, Doncaster, United Kingdom
Doncaster, United Kingdom
About yourself:
lookin for polish women 2 get 2 know and date
Looking for:

hi i am 23 year old mix race lad fun and outgoing likes 2 meet new people go gym and have a party wanting 2 meet polish women because they r the best get in touch if would like 2 get 2 know me xx

daz23, Doncaster, United Kingdom
Doncaster, United Kingdom
About yourself:
I am looking for a woman with a good personality to sher my life with
Looking for:

I am a quiet person who enjoys reading books about history science and different cultures i have a good personality and good sens of humor

rickety, Doncaster, United Kingdom
Doncaster, United Kingdom
About yourself:
Someone who one day would my best friend. She would be caring, honest, loving and posses integrity. I tend to prefer the kind of person who is confident and is outgoing in character.
Looking for:

I`m a friendly outgoing person who has a caring and compassionate personality. I`m neither a drunkard, gambler or possessive in nature, my weakness is saying thing as they are! I have opinions that don't need anyone to agree with, but neither do I believe mine is always right. No issues from the past or present, all in a box marked, understood. I love straight talking people who are now mature, who recognize whats important in life. I`m known to be a traitor to the men`s cause, reveal all their secrets and unfortunately for women, ruin their fantasies about men. Fairy tales are best left in soaps, films and not in real life.
I love the company of natural people who stimulate conversation and talk on any level. I love to laugh, but isn't that the fun of life. Like most people I like to feel valued, and to feel valued by people who are close, priceless.
Like all of us I have my share of ups and downs, but these days, have the experience and strength of character to face whatever with a smile. Remember ladies, I`m not the man of any womans dreams, no Knight in shining Armour, he never does exist, only in the mind of fantasy. He`s probably that close male friend you've never really fancied, but always liked! As for "chemistry" throw it out ladies, admit it, its never done you any good, its more to do with getting on together. Chemistry never equates to a close trusting relationships, whereas friendship and respect does. ! We don`t need one another at our age, but we can be friends and enjoy each other`s company, so friends only please.
For all the ladies who prefer perfection I have MS these days! Good luck to all the genuine nice people on here.

Martin47, Doncaster, United Kingdom
Doncaster, United Kingdom
About yourself:
Not really sure what im looking for but someone with simular qualities as me would be a good start and aged between 35 and 50. If you want to know more, please drop me a line.
Looking for:

Thank for looking at my profile. Not sure what to say, so here goes! Im caring, honest, loving and genuin. Very down to earth and fun loving.

kulguy, Doncaster, United Kingdom
Doncaster, United Kingdom
About yourself:
just a good woman xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Looking for:

a gentle guy looking for a nice polish or slovak girl xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx

Incubus, Doncaster, United Kingdom
Doncaster, United Kingdom
About yourself:
Girl I can have a lot of fun:) "Looking for" has to contain at least 25 words. Omg, this one too?! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace!
Looking for:

Meet me!=] Meet me!=] Meet me!=] Meet me!=] Meet me!=] Meet me!=] Meet me!=] Meet me!=] Meet me!=] kinda boring...;p
"In my own words" has to contain at least 25 words.
Ok, ok, hope it is now^^
No, not yet. I really don't want to count them on my own-.-
Still too less, what else can I put here, ahm?

kapy, Doncaster, United Kingdom
Doncaster, United Kingdom
About yourself:
i want some 1 to kiss on the forehead, look into there eyes some 1 to walk down the street with an be proud to walk with me!!!! i just want some 1 to be there for me and and for me to be there for them some 1 to love, with laugh with and most of all cry with im not that scary i am a very good listener and never jug at time i just need a cuddle oh i have 2 children aged 20 and 25 son lives with me my daughter lives with her boyfriend i love em they are my any way enough of that, i am shy, i can either be very quiet or talk random sh*t i am lovable would like some one to take the chance you mite fall in love with me i am a nice person just need to find out just say hello even if just a chat hi im james im not a player so would like to say hello and looking for some one who is willing to get to know me hi im james im not a player so would like to say hello and looking for some one who is willing to get to know me pleas say hello Chcę około 1 pocałować w czoło, patrzeć w oczy tam około 1 chodzić po ulicy z dumy chodzić ze mną!! Chcę tylko około 1 by być tam dla mnie i dla mnie, aby być tam dla nich około 1 do miłości, a nie śmiać się z im tak straszne, że jestem bardzo dobrym słuchaczem i dzbanek na nie czas i wystarczy przytulić oh mam 2 dorosłych dzieci ... tak żaden sposób dość, że jestem nieśmiały, i może być bardzo cichy i rozmowy random sh * ti jestem miły ktoś chciałby skorzystać z możliwości upadniesz grosz we mnie zakochany jestem miły osoby wystarczy, aby dowiedzieć się po prostu powiedzieć cześć, nawet jeśli tylko na czacie
Looking for:

just wont to love some one and some one to love me
hi im james
pleas say hello
po prostu przyzwyczajenie do kochania kogoś i ktoś mnie kochać
hi im james
zarzutów posiada

sajji, Doncaster, United Kingdom
Doncaster, United Kingdom
About yourself:
An educated ,beautifull girl age b/w 20-25 is good for me so that i can live with her easily.she will not be a smoker as well.i dont like smoking.
Looking for:

i am a loving person.I love music and i watch english movies.i dont smoke.And i want that girl who never smoke.And love is everything.

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